Fremgang og utfordringer fra vårt arbeid i Malawi


I denne artikkelen beskriver Akos oppfølgingen av to forskjellige prosjekter som han overvåker.


At the last month we visited 2 projects:

– DREAMS project focusing on empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW)
Mostly girls who dropped out from the school. The programme uses different tools, like donating them goats/pigs, teaching them basic vocational skills (welding, sewing) or teaching them the know-how of microfinance.

– KUTETESA male circumcision project to prevent the cervical cancer and reduce the HIV infection

– The KUTETESA project (male circumcision) goes pretty well, however some client complained about bad organisation (they had to wait hours for surgery, after surgery they did not get a transport to home, and did not get compensation for the days they were out of work).

The other problem is, that another organization has the same goal, but they pay compensation for the clients. This problems should be solve by communication– the DAPP should negotiate with this other NGO.

– The second part of DREAMS project (vocational knowledge for AGYW) goes also well, the beneficiaries are satisfied, the knowledge they get seems profitable

– The DREAMS project has also a part where AGYW get animals to support them. The experiences with the goat-donating project is pretty new, the AGYW got the animals just 3 days before our visit.

– The big problem we found with the second part of the program, was that the pigs that was donated to them, did not get enough to eat.

After seeing this problem, we asked the young women about the sources of food for the pigs.
They told us that if they had money, they bought maise brace, but they did not provide green feed.

As a woman said “I do not even know what to give to my own children for food tomorrow, not even for the pigs” …

As we saw, all the paperwork by Promoters and Head Promoters was well done but there was no question about the wellbeing of the animals. (not the weight or seize by measure tape)

I suggest sudden intervention on the project or by changing the pigs to goats (these animals are much less sensitive) or to find source for forage.   

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