Rapport fra Macadamia kooperativ i Malawi

Her kommer en ny rapport fra Roderigo og Eric om deres arbeid i Malawi.
Her forteller de om besøk på to kooperativer som dyrker macadamianøtter.
Det ene ligger i Mzimba-distriktet i den nordlige delen av Malawi, og det andre i Cholo, i sørregionen, nær Blantyre


Team: Eric, Rodrigo

We visited Mzimba, with the aim of meeting the officers: Wishmel, Lucie, Angel and Dayson, all Dapp officers working in the support of 2 Macadamia cooperatives (1500 farms each one), currently directly controlled by Samble Farm, but with the support and cooperation of Dapp in several actions such as those described below:

The proposal at meeting was do the IFC Macadamia Plan








About Seeds propagation we did a list of some materials needed for support the farmers:







Officers: Silvester, Urami, Juliete







About Seeds propagation we did a list of some materials needed for support the farmers:







In addition to the meeting, we visited some macadamia farmers and it was possible to observe that they are continuously improving their activities, showing interest in receiving tips for improvements. It is often noticeable that the family is involved in the activities, often one of the children accompanies them and also shows interest and enjoyment in the activity. In the case of Angel, he is an example of a successor who benefited from a course at a vocational school and is now part of the team of officers who support the cooperative members, showing himself to be very satisfied and involved in the entire process of the activity. We saw some farmers starting Beehive between the threes and they have positives feedbacks about that lined of activities.
We also take the opportunity to check and fill out all the forms relating to finances relating to previous expenses that need to be reimbursed.

Macadamia trees

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