Donation to animal welfare

Donation to animal welfare

Donation to animal welfare We are very happy to have been able to help Dyrebeskyttelsen Bergen, an animal shelter based on voluntary efforts, with our household textile donations. It was a nice little light in the dark Norwegian winter. Towels and blankets are very...
Donation to animal welfare

Donasjon til dyrevernet

Donasjon til dyrevernet Vi er veldig glade for å ha kunnet hjelpe Dyrebeskyttelsen Bergen, et dyrehjem basert på frivillig innsats, med våre husholdningstekstildonasjoner. Det var et fint lite lys i den mørke norske vinteren. Håndklær og tepper er til stor nytte for...
Clothes Swap Bergen

Clothes Swap Bergen

Clothes swap Bergen Last Sunday, one of our environmental program managers spent the day with @Clothes Swap Bergen and their volunteers for an event full of positive attitudes and clothes to swap! Here is her experience of the day: “The sun was shy but the mood was...
Clothes Swap Bergen

Clothes Swap Bergen

Clothes Swap Bergen Forrige søndag tilbrakte en av våre miljøprogramledere dagen med @Clothes Swap Bergen og deres frivillige til et arrangement fullt av positive holdninger og klær å bytte! Her er hennes opplevelse av dagen: “Solen var sjenert og holdt seg unna, men...
Presentation at AIS

Presentation at AIS

Presentation at AIS.   We would like to thank the Asker International School for the opportunity to give our presentation and workshop to 80 kids!   In our brand new educational program, children learn about the environmental impact of fashion, and give them...